I realised the other day that I have never built a blanket fort. Well of course, that had to be remedied. After looking up how exactly one would go about making a completely awesome blanket fort, and realising that there was the slightest possibility that it was maybe kinda doable in our one bedroom apartment despite the lack of blankets and space, I went home and set about rectifying my childhood that was sadly lacking in blanket forts.
And that’s why I found myself under a blanket fort with Joel last night; playing Clue, drinking wine and eating the copious amount of Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups that he brought me back from the States. And while our fort was tiny and uncomfortable, and while the roof sunk lower and lower until our necks began to cramp, and while playing Clue with two players isn't nearly as satisfying as playing with four, and while the cats kept stealing our playing pieces/pencils/anything in sight that wasn’t edible and trying to eat them, it was one of the best nights that I have had in a long time.
Sometimes there is nothing better than releasing your inner child- however silly and impractical it may be. And sometimes it’s fun to get tipsy in a blanket fort on the 1st of December, underneath the sparkly Christmas decorations that make you so happy; while you pry small, inedible pieces of plastic out of your cat’s jaws and kick your husband’s butt at board games.
What is something that you always wanted to do as a kid and never got around to until you were older?
I never celebrated Halloween as a child, so this year was the first year I dressed up and took my fiancee's little niece trick or treating...it was so much fun!!
I've learnt to play vidividi which is a Fijian game that kids in Fiji play all the time and I didn't...I do now and I'm not half day either ;)
PS I've changed my blog Url, please update your bookmark or your GFC, it's now http://vanishaslife.blogspot.com/
I don't guess I ever had a proper treehouse. And I've often dreamed of living in a treehouse.
Blanket forts are really cool and playful :)
I still wish i can learn how to float gracefully above the water.
I've always wanted to learn how to make scented babydolls--of different flavors. It's odd and "out-there" I know. . .but definitely something I've wanted to do since childhood. I think that "seed" was planted during Christmas time and receiving scented Strawberry Shortcake Perhaps babydolls for gifts. I've wanted to create one every since!
And I'll add that to my "Things to Do in 2012" list, maybe :)
Welll, I never roller skated as a kid (in a roller rink). I tried as an adult, but miserably failed...bruises galore!!