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winter wanderlust.

I am totally in awe of Kaylia right now. And I mean that in two senses. I am totally in awe of what she's experiencing as she treks around my little patch of the hemisphere, but I am also totally in awe of her bravery. Sometimes, following your dreams and opening yourself up to new experiences is such a difficult thing to do, but she's doing it - and fearlessly so. There is very little I admire more than that, and very few people I admire more for doing it. 

And so whilst I'm hoping that I will one day be able to do the same, I thought I'd share with you my top five wanderlusts this winter - all European, of course.

There's Switzerland...

...and Prague...

...and Edinburgh...

...and Norway...

...and Paris...

...but then again, I kind of think Paris is worth visiting all year every year. It's such a beautiful little spot.

Where are your favourite destinations this Christmas?

Kaylia, my love, I hope you have such a wonderful time. I know you'll come back with some amazing and inspiring stories.

Merry Christmas, everybody! I hope you have a healthy, happy weekend and a wonderful, prosperous New Year!

...and if you'd like to pop over and say hello, it would be so lovely to meet you over on my blog, The Hummingbee!

- Becky x

(Picture credits: Switzerland, Prague, Edinburgh, Norway and Paris).


ellie said…
Oh, she's having such a blast on her trip. I'm happy she's doing this.
h said…
This list makes me laugh. As I've been to Switzerland (for a weekend), Prague, Paris, and even lived in Edinburgh for three months during the summer (awesome). I'm a very lucky girl :)

On my go-to list: a cross-country train ride to Banff National Park, Morocco, Egypt, an ice hotel...and maybe Japan. Hahaha.
Sara Louise said…
Switzerland at Christmas time sounds lovely and cozy!
This year I went to Switzerland before Christmas, it was lovely! And Barcelona has surprised me a lot this December, truly beautiful and evocative.
Merry Christmas everytone!
Teresa said…
WOW. Great pictures. But I doubted Paris is THAT frozen this year. Like you say there's no bad time to enjoy Paris...

My favorite place is still Home. I'm old, I need to be surrounded my things and my people on these celebrations. They comfort me and give me strength.

And yes you should. If it's something you wish so much, you should. And soon. You'll never again be what and how you are now. And it is THIS you who's asking and craving. Go for it, girl!

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."

Be Faithfull! Be Blessed! Be Happy!

Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas Kaylia and Becky!
Joyti said…
Mine wouldn't be all European, actually. My top spot would undoubtedly be Japan, then Goa, India for New Year's...and maybe a quick and warm moment in Thailand, then perhaps Paris and Rome. I get cold easily :)
Hope you are enjoying the holidays :)
Kaylia Payne said…
Thanks so much for your beautiful guest post Becky, you are such an amazing person. xoxo
Malin said…
Ah, Norway. My beautiful beautiful home country! It's gorgeous in winter - but damn cold!! Though not that bad this year, which is weird, we don't even have snow this year!!

I'd love to go somewhere really warm actually. Maybe not during the Christmas days, but maybe just before or after... A girl can dream, no?
Unknown said…
Can I do to all of those places with you? They all seriously look so gorgeous. I'm heading to Scotland in a few months and hope it looks just as amazing as it does in that picture.

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