Have a mentioned that I want to live in France?
My dream has been Germany up until now. I fell in love with the country and the wonderful people when I went there three years ago. The cobblestone streets, the bikes and cafes, their love of Christmas that borders on obsession.
Ahh, it's everything I ever wanted. Perfection.
But..there is something very appealing about France to me right now. It's not the fact that most of favourite authors come from there. Nor that I'm in love with wine, bread and cheese (though I am). Neither is it the beautiful language, the fascinating history or the amazing architecture.
It's that they don't take anything lying down.
Politicians don't just blindly run the country, ignoring what is good for the people. Ignoring what the people want. If the government makes a decision that people don't like, you hear about it.
Boy do you hear about it.
While I'm not saying I support riots (as I have never been in one so I have no idea what one is really like), at least they're standing up for what they believe in.
I have become so disillusioned with Australia. And the government. Our supposed left-wing government. People here aren't satisfied with the majority of the choices being made. But we'll be damned if we do anything about it.
Our retirement age got lifted to 67, the people went 'that sucks'. Recently our 'progressive left-wing' Prime Minister decided not to pull troops for Afghanistan. Again the people went 'that sucks'. Then we all went back to shopping, eating etc. and forgot all about it.
The government here can do anything. They can manufacture a story about refugees on a boat throwing their children overboard, admit to lying about it right after an election won solely because of the racism the story encouraged (Don't let anyone tell you Australia isn't racist. It's disgustingly so.)
..and no one does anything.
The government blocked gay marriage in all States, though the State I live in are strongly for equal rights for everyone. No one says anything, no one does anything. We may have a peaceful little protest against these things, but without any real conviction. Without any real hope for change.
I want to live where the people fight for what they believe in. Where the government faces the consequences for their actions. Where they are accountable to the people. ALL of the people, not just a select few.
And that's why I want to move to France.
they see the wider implications of the proposals before them; they look at the longer-term, not just the *right now*; they do not vote for someone and then sit back and let them decide the future. they are ACTIVE participants in the creation of their country.
That's not to say i always agree with what goes on there (take the burqa laws for example...) but they are certainly involved - unlike the political apathy so prevalent here in Australia (and in my home country - England).
My parents have lived in France for almost 8 yrs now, I love love love to visit and dearly wish to live there myself at some point. i think it is the place in the world where i have felt most *at home*. :)
i like how in switzerland the people definitely rule - every little thing is put to a vote of the people and everyone takes it so seriously. no need for riots, this seriously has to be one of the most efficient countries i've ever lived in. (ok...out of the total 2:))
I really, really love the thought of France - the culture! the history! - but the stories of the stereotyping of Arabs - first hand stories of prejudice - frighten me also.
Everyone jokes about how France has strikes over anything, and while I think you're right that it is an important way to show solidarity and conscientiousness, sometimes I also think it would be best reserved for the super important problems. I mean, raising the retirement age to 67 is pretty necessary with an aging population, and seems on a whole different level to something like banning the niqab.
Loving the blog btw :)