At the end of every semester, when all of a sudden everythingisdueatonceandeventhoughyouknewitwascomingyoudidn'tbothertostartuntiltheverylastsecond, I. get. sick.
Without fail.
There is only one logical conclusion I can draw from this.
I am allergic to homework.
Now I'm off to go and inform my teachers. You guys will back me up, right?
ps. (this whole ps. thing is becoming a habit, sorry!). Thank you for your book recommendations. It was cool to see a couple of titles pop up numerous times: Water for Elephants, The Alchemist, The Hunger Games and the Bell Jar. I will definitely have to suggest these at the meeting, along with the other recommendations as well :)
***** Marie *****
You are tempting me so much about a book-club. I would love to do it.
Also, when my group of friends started a book club, we had a few successful meetings...then it just turned into a "let's meet at someone's house and drink wine and gossip" club...much more fun!
feel better soon Kaylia ! XOXO
You are too funny!
xoxo from rome
I hate homework.
I hate Mondays.
I love weekends.
The end.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
p.s. the shoes are a size 7 :)