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finding yourself in anonymity

Hello my lovely readers, I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year.

I have to confess, I wasn't planning on blogging while I was away. The anonymity I felt as soon as I stepped off the plane into Germany was addictive, and it has been difficult bringing myself back to my life back home, even to send short emails to the people I love.

But internet access, a warm and cozy bed, and vodka mixed with mango juice by my side was too much of a perfect blog writing atmosphere to simply ignore.

Unfortunately I am not technology savvy enough to download photos from my facebook onto my iPad, then to upload them here, so I'll have to wait to share the aesthetics of my trip with you until I get back. For now I'll stick to the 'emotional' part of traveling.

Because that's what travelling is all about really, isn't it? at least that's what I've found. While it's lovely to see history before you, to experience other cultures and to eat much too much delicious food, the personal journey we go on is what really makes traveling what it is. It's the reason we save, the reason we anticipate, the reason we dream.

Because there is no better way to find yourself than to become completely annonymous in a new place. To have no expectations forced upon you; to find that you can be anyone and dream as large as you want without anyone to force you back to the reality of your life back home.

I don't really recognise the self that I left behind. I have found somebody new amid the cobblestone streets, lolly-flavoured houses and cold winter days. Amid the coats, scarves and hats; the snow landing on outstretched tongues; the hot chocolates spiked with rum and warmth.

That is not to say that I won't welcome back the me I left behind with open arms on my return, but I'll also bring back a small part, just a small part, of the girl I found here. I will take her courage, her hope, and the inspiration she found, and use them to colour my life in Canberra for the better.


lucy and sarah said…
Wow, what a sweet update!
ellie said…
Such a great atmosphere!

That made me smile!
ellie's desk said…
Its so good to hear from you and your travels!
Anonymous said…
I know exactly what you mean. I felt the same when I was in Mexico! I'm glad you're having a good time abroad!
Keep us updated!
Ashley said…
love love love this post :)

It captures the very reason I adore traveling!!

Live it up, kid.
Miss H said…
Aww so glad you're enjoying your travels!
Brandi said…
I think there's nothing better than going away for a little while to rediscover yourself. Enjoy your travels!!
Kacey said…
Wonderful! I'm so into this new environment you're talking about. Very very excited for you. xoxo
Unknown said…
Sounds like a great trip. Can't wait to see the photos.

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