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I Am the Messenger

My favourite book will always be ‘I Am the Messenger” by Markus Zusak. It is not the most well-written book I have ever read, not the most intellectual, nor a book that people will pull from a bookshelf in two hundred years declaring “Now this, right here, is literature!” But it has the most heart. It is unpretentious, optimistic, and unashamedly human. It is a book that changes your perspective, one that makes you believe that you really can make a difference. And really, isn't that what writing is all about? 

'Our footsteps run, and I don't want them to end. I want to run and laugh and feel like this forever. I want to avoid any awkward moment when the realness of reality sticks its fork into our flesh, leaving us standing there, together. I want to stay here, in this moment, and never go to other places, where we don't know what to say or what to do.'

'It's not a big thing, but I guess, it's true-- big things are often just small things that are noticed.'

'It's with those words that I see things from Audrey's perspective. She liked me being just Ed. It was safer that way. Stable. Now I've changed things. I've left my own fingerprints on the world, no matter how small, and it's upset the equilibrium of us-- Audrey and me.'

'Carefully now, her statement comes out. "Believe it or not-- it takes a lot of love to hate you like this.’

‘I'd wanted to stay on that porch with him until the sun shone bright on both of us, but I didn't. I stood up and walked down the steps. I'd rather chase the sun than wait for it.'

'And if a guy like you can stand up and do what you did for all those people, well, maybe everyone can. Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of.'


Unknown said…
Never heard of it before but it sounds awesome! I will definitely check it out...thanks for the recommendation!
nancy said…
I've never heard of this one either, but I value your opinion and will defintiely be checking it out!
lucy and sarah said…
Wow, this is new to me. Thanks so much.
ellie's desk said…
I will have to look for this book.
samantha ramage said…
the book thief is one of my favorite books- i am sure this one is amazing. must read it!!

Bonnie said…
Now I have to Amazon this book because it sounds amazing. You have awesome taste in literature, so it's a must-read for me!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
You make this book sound rally interesting. Great quotes.

Unknown said…

erleichda said…
lots of good quotes here. i `ve added the book to my books to buy book ; )
Miss H said…
Some lovely qoutes! I'll have to check this out sometome :)
Anonymous said…
I loooooooooooove the quotes! Definitely a book I'd like to read! You've tickled my curiosity!
Blue said…
Sounds interesting, maybe I'll pick it up at the library!
Anonymous said…
Awesome book recommendation. I'm gonna keep my eyes open for it and check back in.
keishua said…
this looks really cool. I've never heard of it but the writing looks amazing from what I can tell.
Tuesdai Noelle said…
Hmm, so far so good. It's a book I would definitely consider :)
becky said…
I'm going to keep this sort of beauty in mind. I wasn't aware Zusak had written others and--well--after "The Book Thief" I am SO absolutely smitten!
Anna said…
There are so many books on my must-read list right now but this one will be added to it pronto.
Ashley Slater said…
You know, this sounds interesting! I might have to add this to my reading list. I loved the quotes you put at the end...that is what caught my attention!

AND, I am also (shamelessly) plugging a giveaway on my blog. But it is for a really cool vintage t-shirt (winner gets to choose their design from the website) so I don't feel too guilty about it ;) The Mitten State Vintage T-Shirt Giveaway!

The Mitten State Vintage T-Shirt Giveaway!
Danielle said…
"Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of."

I love that! I'll have to read this one for sure!

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