I wish I could turn the crisp, yellowed pages of a well-loved book and dive in head first. Head first between the unkempt paper; the corners turned down to save a favourite passage, one to be found again, months, maybe years later. The one that will still leave a thrill traveling up and down your back. I want to fall into that passage, the one that you couldn’t tear your eyes away from, and bury myself in it. I want softly walk over the places where your tears fell, dance over the words that made you laugh, and wrap my arms around those that changed your whole world forever.
I want to wade through the smudged pages from that time you accidentally dropped it in the bath, and march my way over the food stains that were there simply because you couldn’t bear the though of putting the book down while you ate.
I want to fall into an adventure, and blush my way through a romance. I want to meet quirky characters, who have replayed their story over and over again for hundreds of years. I want to meet generous men who tell me their moods by outlining which way the wind is blowing. I want to meet methodical people who decide, on a whim, to travel the world in eighty days. I want to march my way through the French Revolution. I want to live in a land filled with Faraway Trees and Wishing Wells. With wizarding schools and bossy lions. A land where the good people always win. Where love lasts forever. And where nothing is impossible.
I want to tip-toe over unfinished stories, the ones that you spent nights slaving over, pen in hand. The stories that were discarded, but never forgotten. I want to make my way over to the last word and promise it that someone else will read it too one day. And will love it as much as you did. As I do.
I want to travel the world of words. To see all there is to been seen. To hear all that there is to be heard. And to feel all emotions that there are to be felt.
So come, put down whatever it is that you’re doing, and take the plunge with me. I promise you it will be worth it.
ps. If you love reading and dreaming as much as we do, check out The Reading Room. We have just started a new book, so now is the perfect time to get involved :)
I really must re-read The Faraway Tree!
I'm reading a book right now called "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller, and it compares your life to a story. Kind of reminds me of your post here...you should definitely check it out! :)
Wow, are you reading Oliver Twist? That's a great book! There's some really fantastic moments of comic relief there with the pompous headmaster guy, Mr. Something-beginning-with-a-'B'... Bumble-somthing? Charles Dickens has a great subtle humour at times. Isn't the first couple of pages great? Are you reading that in The Reading Room?
And I can say that you're such an enthusiastic reader! You put me to shame. I wish I can find time to diligently read like you.
but to write something equally incredible and unreal ABOUT the effect of books and reading? well... makes my heart smile.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Good post;-)