This week has been one of those glorious early spring weeks. Where, after months of bitterly cold days and below zero nights, we were finally rewarded with day after day of clear blue skies and unseasonably warm weather. Days filled with energy, because rather than the shrill sound of the alarm snapping us out of our slumber, we slowly wake naturally to sun shining through the windows. Days where scarves, coats and gloves have been put aside in favour of colourful dresses and cardigans. Days where walking has again become preferable to driving, as has ambling to rushing.
Lunch hasn’t been spent huddled up in the office next to the heater, but outside with a good book under a tree. People are smiling and laughing, the winter depression being put on hold this week in favour of kind gestures and happy conversation with strangers.
Writing isn’t been done in bed with the electric blanket on and a cup of tea; but seated in the lounge room next to the open window, or on the balcony soaking up the sun. And while electric blankets and tea are wonderful, there is nothing quite like fresh air and sunshine to get those creative juices flowing.
Phones have been buzzing, as a night spent curled up at home has become less appealing than going on night-time adventures under the Cheshire Cat moon.
While this is a temporary set-back in winter’s path, one that will be over in a matter of days, my oh my but wasn’t it needed. Suddenly spring doesn’t seem that far off. Winter doesn’t seem so endless anymore. And we have been jolted out of our seasonal depression just long enough to realise how much there is to look forward to in the second half of the year.
ps. thank you all so so much for your lovely comments on my last post, you have no idea how much it means to me.
Suddenly, its turned into a humid world that just won't let go. Honestly, I'm ready for fall. As much as I had more than enough snow this year, I'm beginning to miss it.
All the best on your writing, too.
Satan called. He wants his weather back.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Summer has been VERY uncomfortable and stressful, well, weather wise--the season itself has been very eventful!
And I love it when walking becomes preferable to driving!