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Showing posts from May, 2011

Shut up....Me?

Sometimes I wonder if we’re all inherently self-destructive. If, when it comes down to it, we are our own worst enemies. Sometimes this is manifested in obvious ways, like eating disorders and alcoholism. But most of the time it’s hidden below the surface. Hidden where no one else can see it. But the damage is just as real. It could be nasty comments to yourself: an ‘I’m so disgusting’ when looking in the mirror, a ‘look at how fat my thighs are’ when trying on what was before that day your favourite dress. It could be negative thoughts like ‘no one likes me’ when people are too busy with exams or work to see you, or an ‘I’m so stupid’ when you make one mistake. It could be doing small self-destructive things that others can’t see or can’t see for what they are, like looking at a facebook you shouldn’t, binge eating because you’re sad, or starting an argument with a loved one simply because you need a reason to hurt. I see it around me every day, both in myself and others. This...

I wouldn't mind the satisfaction of being awesome...

As I am rather hopeless, I tend to discuss things a good two weeks-a month after they have happened. This is no exception. Back at the beginning of April I was browsing a job site when I came across an ad for a Dental Assistant position. Exciting right? Well in fact it was. Because listed on the ad under 'you will enjoy' was: -free parking -a rewarding career -the satisfaction of being awesome The satisfaction of being awesome?! I wanted the satisfaction of being awesome!!! I don't think I have ever been so excited about a job before. I figured that they must be the coolest people ever. Rather than a dental assistant job, I may have gotten carried away and pictured a place quite similar to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. So I commissioned my brother (who is much much funnier than me) to write a cover letter in response to the ad. This is what he came up with: 13/4/2011 To whom it may concern, I wish to apply for the Dental Assistant (and so much more) position adve...

Lighting the World

In my Science class this semester, I learned two things that really stuck with me: That a luminous object is one that produces light. And that a non-luminous object is one that reflects light . While it may have been the three coffees consumed within the hour, the days and nights spent studying holed up my room with only a laptop and one of my cats for company, or that I read entirely too much into things; but isn’t this the truest thing you have ever read? And I thought to myself: I want to be luminous. I don’t want to reflect other's second hand light. I want to glow. I want to light the world. And I want to encourage others to light the world with me. So let’s all go out there and be as luminous as only we know how.

10 Tips for Surviving in a One-Bedroom Apartment

Before I start, I just want to say that I love my apartment. Love it. But sometimes the lack of space can be...difficult to say the least. So I have comprised a list of ways that encourage you to make the most of the two rooms (No, not two bedrooms. Two rooms) that you have. Tip 1: Get a cat. Nothing is more fun than vacuuming up cat hair constantly. And when you forget, it can be quite amusing to watch your cat walk around the house eating its own hair off of the carpet. This will also result in its throwing up, which gives you the added bonus of having to clean it up. You will be doing this so often you won’t even notice the lack of space. Having a cat also saves money in terms of plants, flowers, Christmas trees and any hanging decorations. Why? Because you can’t have them. The cat will eat them. Poisonous flowers? You bet. House plants? It will eat THE ENTIRE THING. Tinsel? Yum yum. Tip 2: Get a second cat. Because the first cat will be lonely, and that’s no fun. The...

So I guess I'm offically a grown-up now *waits for congratulatory letter*

I was looking around the dinner table at my family on Mother’s Day, basking in the laughter and sense of home, when I was hit with a startling realisation: MY SIBLINGS HAVE GROWN UP. So have my friends for that matter. I didn’t even notice until that moment. My best friend is currently in America living with her man. My other best friend is running the marketing campaigns for the university that I attend. My younger sister went to England for six months last year and brought back a boy, who she's planning on moving out with soon. My little brother has almost finished his Medical Science degree and is studying to get into Medicine. My friends from university are now settled into fancy full-time jobs with titles that I don’t understand. My new friends are married with babies. And Joel has a permanent job as associate producer for a well-known video games company. Everyone is growing up around me. And I feel like I have been left behind. I don’t have a full-time job in ...