Ahh, I will never be a regular blogger. It’s either a million posts in one day, or nothing for three weeks. Oh well. I am starting my 29 Day Giving Challenge on Saturday, but thought that I may as well try to be a bit more giving today. Warm up my kindness skills. And why not start with the little things? The drive to work is through peak hour, so as you can imagine, everyone is very aggressive and determined to get where they need to go as quickly as possible. Myself included. And so some poor souls who need to turn out of the little streets onto the main ones are stuck waiting for a very long time . Normally I am a teensy bit too focused on singing, waking up, and trying to get to work quickly as I am often running late etc. etc. (excuses, excuses) to notice these people. So today I decided to break that habit, and let some of those poor people through. And the most amazing thing happened . All of the people behind me started letting people through as well. Then all of the peopl...