Top 7 movies
1. Rocket Science
This is the sweetest, most uplifting movie I have ever seen. The narrative sounds as if it is from a well-written novel, the characters are completely kooky but completely lovable, and it gets better and better each time you watch it.
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
This is THE most romantic movie I have ever seen, though the movie itself makes no attempt to be romantic. Basically the storyline is there is a company that can wipe out memories that people don’t want anymore. The main character's ex-girlfriend wipes out memories of him after their painful breakup. To get revenge he goes to get the procedure done too. Halfway through, he changes his mind, and has to hide in old memories with his memory of his ex-girlfriend so that they don’t erase her. Sounds confusing? It absolutely is, particularly as it jumps from the past to the present constantly. But once you get into the rhythm of it then it is easy to follow, and well worth it!
3. 500 Days of Summer/Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
This is another really sweet, funny movie. Again, very romantic in a completely un-romantic way. The main character is really likeable, you definitely feel for the guy. And this movie has hit home for so many people, as it is a really realistic portrayal of relationships, as opposed to the candy-covered Hollywood versions. However, the very very end sucks. So badly. Turn it off about two minutes before the finish, and you will absolutely love it.
Scott Pilgrim is hilarious, crazy, action-packed and brilliant!! It's basically about a guy who falls in love with a girl, but to date her needs to defeat her 7 evil ex's. A movie you can't help but love!
4. Amѐlie
Now THIS movie is uplifting. Sweet, charming, quirky and lovable, this movie is definitely one to watch when you’re feeling a bit down.
5. Up
I do not cry during movies, but I cried during this one. For a kid’s movie, it deals with a lot of adult themes (like love and loss- just to clarify!) and is all about letting things you have lost go.
6. Singin’ in the Rain
This movie makes me long for the days when talent was all you needed to break into the movie industry. They are seriously amazing dancers. I cannot stress that enough. Amazing. The actors are likeable, creative, funny and talented. The best part? The storyline rocks too.
7. The Dinner Game (The French version!!!)/City of God/The Royal Tenenbaums
Three completely different movies, but I couldn’t choose between them!! Sorry, I’m hopeless! The Dinner Game is an over-the-top, tacky, crazy, completely hilarious French movie that never fails to make me laugh.
City of God is a scarily realistic portrayal of drugs and gangs in Rio de Janeiro. The story follows two young boys; one who grows up to be a photographer, and one that grows up to be a drug dealer. It is stylish, and in some places funny; in others very intense. It was nominated for 4 Oscars, and it definitely deserved those nominations. Not for the faint hearted though.
Lastly, the Royal Tenenbaums is another quirky comedy that will make you laugh, smile, cry and wish you were nearly as cool as the characters.
Here’s what you do with the award:
· You link and thank the blogger who awarded you
· Copy-and-paste (or download and upload) the award into your own blog post–a teacup of roses!
· Share Seven Things about yourself
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So here’s the bloggers I chose to get this award. I’m nominating seven, just to keep on with the theme :)
Love your choices!!
I still haven't seen 500 days of Summer. I really need to get on that!
thanks so much for nominating me! i'm happy to do it. if i don't post mine this week, it will probably be next week, but i'll defnitely keep you posted. thanks again!
Thanks again
I adore Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but I tend to forget it when it comes to lists...
One that I probably would've mentioned as well is Little Miss Sunshine.
ps....I love singing in the rain!