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pretty rings, photos, and a whole lot of whinging

Due to the same annoying cold/flu/bane of my existence (I know, I know, I sound like a broken record), today's post will be anything but meaningful. Or spelled correctly. Or have decent grammar. I just don't feel like it. Take that 17 years of education!

But that's okay because I have things to share that don't require any of those boring things :)

Firstly I want to show off the beautiful Easter rings that I won a few weeks ago in a blog competition. They were HANDMADE (I am still so impressed) by this lovely lady here.

How cool are they?!

Secondly, I thought I would finally work up the courage and share some of the pin-up photos I had taken. Please don't laugh!!!

Lastly, I guess I had a little bit of a gripe that I wanted to share about blogger. Well, not blogger per se, but some of the people who use it. There is too much of an emphasis on followers. It shouldn't be a popularity contest, but sometimes it seems like it is. I'm sick of people commenting: 'I love your blog, it's my follow me.' I don't want people following me if they don't want to read my blog. At the same time, I don't want to follow blogs I don't enjoy reading. I would much rather have ten followers that like some of things I write, than a thousand followers who hate my posts or don't ever bother reading them.
I comment on people's blogs when I enjoy what they have written, and I honestly don't expect a comment back out of politeness. If what I wrote makes you want to comment, go for it, I love it. But I don't want comments simply so the person commenting can get a comment back.

I don't want to come off as grumpy or rude, nor is it a shot at any of the lovely people who comment on or follow my blog (you guys are amazing and adore you all!)..just at those random people whose comments only include 'nice!' then their blog address.

Gosh I am a grump when I'm sick :p


Dani said…
haha I really enjoying reading the rants of others! I absolutely love those rings! I might have to get one! Also kudos on the nail polish, great color!
Joyti said…
I really adore your pin-up photos!
And as for your rant, totally agree. Generally, I try to respond to all comments on my blog by commenting back (I think its polite) EXCEPT for those 'follow me?' ones. In the food blogging world, there's also the bloggers that would sell themselves to get their photos on foodgawker...
Anait said…
1. Lovely rings. I love the colors....and your nails, too :p

2. ummm....your photos are AMAZING!!! And YOU, my friend, are gorgeous!!! I love the dress, the red lips, the hair...everything. Someday I want to gather up the courage to do boudoir shots...if they look half as good as yours i'll be pleased

3. People commenting just so you'll comment back and "follow" them is one of my pet peeves, so annoying! Also a pet peeve, giveaways with 20 rules (follow me here, like me on facebook, tweet about the giveaway, re post on your blog, bla bla bla). I think blogging has gone from a way to communicate, meet great people and just write, to a popularity contest. But hey, I've got my list of good blogs, and that's good enough for me :)
SJ said…
the photos are gorgeous! very very cool.

and yep, i hear you about those comments. the popularity content tht sometimes happens with blogs brings back all those high school insecurities!
Dude. I TOTALLY agree with the "name dropping commenting" game.

I think there should be a rule that you can leave your blog address at the end of a comment. But that's just me.


Those pics are fabulous. Just sayin :)
Jo said…
Wow...these photos are gorgeous! I want to see more!! Give a girl an inch... ;)

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, but I like what you wrote about "following", even if it is the sickness that made you do it. hahaha! And I agree with you. I have the comment moderation function on, and I still accept the comments you've described...out of politeness, I suppose. (Not like these bloggers would know either way.) And, when I do check out the blogs attached to these types of comments they've never been blogs I would honestly want to follow. Funny how that works!
Danelle said…
Aw thanks for sharing the love! cute nails. :)

Wow.. I remember you were nervous to take those pics. Sheesh.. you shouldn't have been! You look amazing! Really. They turned out so good. You are so pretty!

And I know what you mean about bloggers.. it has become such a contest. Collecting followers like baseball cards. er.. pokemon. are kids still into pokemon? I feel the same way.. I would rather have a small following that like what I post than trying so hard for followers and commenting only to get a follower.
Sarah said…
I'm with you all the way on the commenting issue--if something strikes a cord with me, I comment. If I'm not feeling it (or just too lazy, whatev), then I don't. And I think it's kind of insulting to my intelligence when people directly tell me to follow them or check out their blog... if I am intrigued by their comment, picture, username, etc., then I KNOW HOW to click through to find their profile.

And I absolutely LOVE that picture of you in the red. So much that I want to have some pictures done (only I'm not brave enough to do them in the first place, let alone show them to anyone!).
Meher said…
Few things-
-the rings are cute.
-you look so pretty
-Happy belated Easter. Where are my chocolate eggs? :O :

I also hate it when people come up with one word comments and their blog urls. Dude, its not an obligation to comment. :)
k said…
i'm with you on those follow me people, i never go to their blog on principal! you might like this :
becky said…
I agree entirely with you about blogging comments---as a rule I always check out the blog of the people that comment simply because I'm interested to see who they are. And I like their posts, I'll stick around and follow or read a lot more religiously. But those "please follow me!" comments (and I've only had them once or so), I generally ignore. I don't see the point in commenting if there isn't meaning or sincerity behind it.

I love love love that first photo---you look wonderful! Is the dress yours? Either way---it's amazing---and SUCH a beautiful fit. Oh, how I love those fifties waists and giant circle skirts! I think we both might have been born in the decade...
Tiq said…
Lovely rings ! I've never won any giveaways. :(

Ayayai !! Finally the pin up photos !! You looking gorgeous lady !! Love the make up, outfits..everything !
Paige Hadley said…
Well, for starters, like the rest of your commenters, I am totally of the opinion that your photos are very very good. I think that if my camera turned on anymore, I would really get into photography. Secondly, I agree with you about followers that don't read your blog. I have two that do, at least at the moment, and one of them is my mum. And seriously, what is with the views from Italy, Denmark, Malaysia, Germany, Russia, Ireland etcetera etcetera and why don't a single one of those 400 plus views result in a comment? Wouldn't it be so wonderful if they could leave a comment instead of anonymously disappearing? I would love to know who all those hundreds of views come from! Anyway, congratulations and take care. The Book Florist. Ps. Loved you comment on my last post - it was beautifully encouraging.
jodeska said…
The photos are awesome. Such a super cute kitchen and I love your dress =)
Jessica said…
Amen sistah! Well said, and I agree. Also, I LOVE your pin-up piccys! They are so chic and you look fabulous in them! I'm obsessed with the 20's through the 50's, and you pulled the pin-up look off flawlessly. You look like an absolute doll! Thanks for sharing. :)
ellie's desk said…
I love those rings! Sweet. Great pin-ups too..Oh, I always enjoy getting comments...more than anything.
lucy and sarah said…
What adorable pin-ups! Cool eggs. So cute and very creative.

I do write an on going crazy story so I really do love feedback most. & thanks so much for your notes.
Jillian said…
I don't think it's grumpy or rude! I agree with you. I'd much rather have a few people that actually read my blog, then have hundreds who follow just because they want me to return the favor.

Also, you look lovely in those photos. Love the pin-up girl look!
Miyan said…
just found your blog via cap ou pas cap's blog. i totally know what you mean about the follower contest being unnecessary. i think your blog has valuable content and really will be back to read more :))

Syd said…
You have a good perspective on what it means to blog. I too am struggling with this whole concept. I think you have great wisdom: blog about what is meaningful to you and write just to write!
Bonnie said…
Trust me -- Everyone HATES those commenters who write dumb-ass comments on a blog. I follow people if I like their blogs. I don't follow them just because they are following me or just because they claim to like my blog. You have to have the skills to back it up.
Ughghg. Those comments make me get violent.

Anyway ...

Those rings ahhhh-dorable. I am so impressed that someone made those by hand! I also lovelovelove your pin-up photos. You should seriously have one framed.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Sienna said…
those rings are lovely xx
Ash said…
Hahahahaha " It shouldn't be a popularity contest, but sometimes it seems like it is. I'm sick of people commenting: 'I love your blog, it's my follow me.' I don't want people following me if they don't want to read my blog"

Loved. This.

Also, damn girl! Those photos are amazing.
Kelly said…
As soon as I saw your new profile picture on blogger, I went, "OOH, are the pin up pictures up?" You look awesome, love the polka dots.

(I have someone who comments on my posts with one word things like "nice" "cute" "cool". I hardly think they read the post, and just comment to get a return. Which I dont give. If I'm going to take the time to comment, I want it to be legitimate.)
Mandy said…
LOVE the photos! I wish I had the courage to do some like that!

I also want to say that I do LOVE your blog and always enjoy reading what you have to say, thanks for looking into mine, I enjoy your comments when you leave them :)

Hope you feel better soon!
Holly said…
So adorable photos..oh, we like your honesty!
keishua said…
No, your just truthful. I don't think people should feel obligated either way. If you really don't have anything to add to a conversation then its okay not say anything. Blogging is just a great way to share in a conversation. I like reading things that stay with me and encourage me to think about the word in a different light. That is why I like your blog because you are real and when people are real it brings the same qualities out in others. Love the photos and the rings.
koralee said…
Your images are really are so cute and if that is your is one I would love to have.
I agree with you on followers...that is why I erased my total# of is not a competition.

Hugs to you. xoxoxoxoxo
Deidre said…
1. Those photos of you are HOT. You look great!

2. the following thing drives me a bit batty. I hate that you have a. to following people to enter giveaways. b. I don't follow anyway, I go comment on blogs I like and read blogs I like. c. I do love seeing the number of followers grow on my blog, but I'd be much more exited if it corresponded to the number of comments and interactions and friends that were/are created.
misslikey said…
ooh how lovely your pin-up photos are.
p.s.don't like either those "follow me screamers" and finally someone said it!
Allison said…
I agree! You mostly know me from Reasons to Smile but I opened a secondary blog under this account to record a little less personal stuff (such as food or some favorite etsy items). Neither is a "big blog" but I love my followers and we have a sort of community. It's so lovely! I feel like I know them. :)

Second, I LOVE your pictures! The second one is my favorite - I would definitely frame that somewhere if I were you!
Aquí said…
First of all, your photos are gorgeous and I love the rings! they remind me of fancy easter eggs. Secondly I cannot tell you how much I agree with your point about bloggers. I have one person in particular who doesn't even post relevant comments, its usually, 'nice look, follow me, I'd be very happy if you do' What is that?! I want people reading my blog because they enjoy the content. I love your blog and I read every word :)
Unknown said…
OMG I LOOOOVE THE PHOTOS! so cute. those rings are adorable too :)

amy b.s. said…
those rings are very cool
christine donee said…
hello hottie!

that one of you in the red is killer. seriously killer.
Mil said…
Kind of have to agree with you there. There's an expectation to comment but sometimes we read and enjoy and don't necessarily comment. I agree a "forced" following is just against the whole idea of liking because you really like it. Amazing photos!
kimbirdy said…
oh my god, that's you?! you look Amazing!!! i have always wanted to do a pin-up photo shoot like that. how fun!

and also, i couldn't agree more about your thoughts on blogging. i usually ignore those comments of "follow me!" i love that the people who comment on my blog feel like friends - people who have taken the time to get to know me, and have allowed me to get to know them through their blogs. i have to have some kind of connection with a person and their blog if i'm going to follow them, and i prefer that from those who follow me. of course i know there are plenty of people who follow me who like to read, but don't have time/don't like to comment, and that's fine too. but the shameless promotion purely for the sake of gaining numbers puts a bad taste in my mouth. that's certainly not why i blog.

anyway, i really appreciate your words here, so thank you for starting this conversation. and i hope you feel better soon!!
Mimi said…
awww, those rings are soooo cute! :D

p.s. i hope you feel better soon!

<3, Mimi
Micaela said…
i LOVE those rings and everything about this post :)

photos? AMAZING. amazing.
Brissa said…
our nails are practically the same color! the only difference is mine are all mint except for the purple accent on my ring fingers. and those pictures! oh they're lovely!
Brandi said…
The pinup photos are gorgeous! You shouldn't have hesitated to share those at all. And the rings too are so lovely. I can't believe they're handmade.

As for the comments, I know precisely what you mean. For me, blogging is about real connections, real friendships. And those people who are all "nice" or "so pretty" just aren't looking for that. When it happens to me, I just try to move on. We're all in this for different reasons (I think we're in it for the best ones though).
Zoe said…
I love the rings that Danelle makes!

She made me some, see Here

Zoe xx
Life of a Vegetarian Girl
Alex said…
These photos are fantastic! At first glance, I thought they were of Dita von Teese.

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