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Camping sure does bring out the bimbo in me...

The main thing I learned on my camping adventure is that camping turns me into a huge bimbo. Or maybe I already am a huge bimbo and have learned to hide it underneath an awkward, goofy exterior. Camping just happens to push all of that aside, leaving me with a nice gooey bimbo-ey centre that becomes obvious to everyone, including me.

In my defence, no one told me that we would be hiking to our camping spot. I just figured we would be camping next to the car. It seemed sensible. Were I planning the trip, we would have camped next to car. Maybe even in it, with the heater running. But unfortunately my dad was planning it. And hiking we were going. Which made the 3 bags filled to the brim that I took seem....impractical.

So anyway, I turned out up at my parents house (I was leaving my car there and dad was taking us in his) with all of my worldly possessions, only to find out that it was a one bag maximum. This may have been the moment I threw a mini-tantrum. Again, in my defence, most of the things I took were blankets. I hate being cold. Hence, 3 bags worth of blankets and clothing. Again, sensible.

Long story short, my dad and sister went through my bags and took out everything that wasn’t necessary. I then took out everything they had put in my bag that was necessary, and replaced it with a hairbrush, a makeup bag, and about twenty tops/sweaters/blankets. I did not think of food or a toothbrush. Luckily everyone else did remember all of that unimportant stuff, and after one more minor skirmish with my sister about my hat (she said that I shouldn’t be taking a 1940s style hat that kept falling over my eyes camping, I said that my hat was awesome. The hat came with us. It really is a great hat) we were off.

And actually, it ended up being really nice. At first, to be honest, I sat down complaining about the cold and watching everyone else gather firewood because inside I am a five year old spoiled brat. But soon I got really into it. It was nice to be away from crowds of people, to not have to worry about the time, to eat simple foods cooked on a fire, and to spend time walking around looking at kangaroos and enjoying the fresh air.

To sit around a fire toasting marshmallows and looking up at all of the stars that city lights tend to dim or make invisible. To hear really boring ghost stories that my sister printed out from google that she did not bother reading beforehand. Even to sleep on the hard ground whilst shivering uncontrollably all night.

To simple be.

So, all in all, I am glad I went. I tend to say no to anything in winter that forces me to spend extended periods of time outdoors. Winter is not my thing. But I have realised that I can’t lock myself indoors every time the season changes. I can’t say no to new experiences just because I may get cold. It’s not a good enough excuse anymore, and I am tired of dreading the colder months and frosty mornings. So I said yes. And go out into winter I did. And you know what? It wasn’t all that bad. Maybe me and winter will learn to be friends after all.

..or maybe just frenemies. Who doesn’t need a few frenemies anyway?

*Also the book club has officially started! Get involved here, we'd love to have you!


SJ said…
ah camping, it can definitely bring out the best and worst in your personality. I've had a few tanties brought on by camping experiences but after camping nearly every day for 5 months last year, I kind of love it. Sometimes the simpler the better and it doesn't get much simpler then camping (unless of course you're car camping and then simple just goes out the window. Becuase of course you need that portable fridge and oven!)
ellie's desk said…
I love your camping story. I'm not much of a camper ..any time of the year. I don't think I'd like it in the cold, either.

But the times I have gone, its so cool to see what other campers are doing and bringing. I think the time how I saw the mom bring so many foods ready to eat from the baggie..not us. Oh believe in ruffing it. At night the air mattress would die, just when I might nod off to sleep.

I'm sure all this makes you stronger now. Wishing the best with the book club!
lucy and sarah said…
Oh my goodness. I would want to camp by the car too. Just in case you needed a quick getaway. I keep hearing that line.."A dingo at my baby..."

There have been sighting of mountain lions here. Anyway, people sandbagging here, due to the flooding from the nearby river.
Kari said…
I love camping, but like you hate the cold. So even in summer it is likely that I'll bring more blankets than anything else.
Aquí said…
This is something I can relate too! Camping is a bit uncomfortable for me. The older I get, the less I'm willing to rough it and I'm only 24, what does that tell you? :) Lovely post as usual!
Sara Louise said…
I'm a fairly athletic girl who can hold my own doing rough and tumble stuff, but when it comes to camping, I don't know why, I just get all 'girly'. I can't handle it. Don't like it.
Deidre said…
Hiking to your camping spot is hard core :) I used to do that in college and then I put my foot down.

I also hate popping a squat.
Jamie-Lee Burns said…
haha ohh man, camping. Definitely not a pastime of mine - good on you for going though, even though there were a few bumps along the way ;)
'To simply be'. You know, I have the same memories from the many camping trips I took when I was younger. I think it's good that you went; despite some discomforts and surprises, it seems you did have an enjoyable time.
Kacey said…
Um... Can I see a picture of the hat? :D
i love camping but im also a bimbo with it too so i totally understand!! xo
Brandi said…
Wait, I'm still not sure how this qualifies you as a bimbo, unless that word means something different in Australia than it does in the US. High maintenance maybe, but bimbo, no. I'm frightened to go camping. I worry I would just complain the whole time. I just sleep way better in my own bed at night.
Anonymous said…
I too thought by 'bimbo' you meant another meaning! Which made me think of all the ways one might be made into a wanton woman while camping.
amy b.s. said…
love this! i swear, when you don't grow up camping, it is just difficult to know what to bring. i am a novice camper and my husband is an expert and i always look like an idiot with the things i pack that i think i "need".
erleichda said…
is good you are open to new experiences- i have been camping with my husband and kids here both winter and summer and is so cool. is freedom isn`t ? i am from greece so if i manage the winters in Norway then i think you can manage winter there ; ) i don`t think Norway is a place for you though...
Alex said…
You are brave for camping in winter! I'm not a camping type girl, but I really am curious to try it out!
keishua said…
LOL. I went camping this summer. It's really not for me. I am a indoors girls. I need books and pillows. At least you tried it. That's something.
Anonymous said…
hahaha - this would so be me! except i wouldn't be gladni went after, lol
Bonnie said…
I would absolutely DIE if I ever went camping. I refuse to go. Totally refuse.
It's also because of the bugs. Stupid bugs.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Anonymous said…
Awesome, I'd love to go camping in Australia. I know how it is though, bringing too many things when there is only room for so much. The number of shoes I bring on a three day trip! Oy!

Anna said…
Oh, I really want to like camping but I'm afraid I find it hell on earth. I love the thought of it but it always really sucks in reality. The only way I'm gonna sleep in a tent is if it's pitched on my bed. Great blog by the way!
christine donee said…
camping reminds me just how clumsy i am. Not that it should come as a surprise or anything. But it seems to be heightened during those types of situations.

It is true. I have fallen into a cactus. Go. Me.
kimbirdy said…
oh good for you! i love camping and backpacking. i'm a total city girl, but i love being out in the middle of nature {aka - the middle of nowhere}. when you're camping you can't really worry about life. all there is to do is walk and cook {maybe dipping in a stream if it's summer}. life is just so much simpler and i love that.

it's definitely a good lesson though, to try new experiences, especially if you don't think it's going to be your thing. i definitely take your story to heart about a few things in my life right now.
k said…
this was enjoyable to read!! haha! i am not a HUGE fan of camping but I agree with your sentiments of doing new things for sure....way to go you!
h said…
Haha, well, I love camping of course. It's one of the only ways for me to escape work. But yeah, next time you should ask if you're "car camping" or not. They're two very different experiences.

Oh, and a really nice sleeping bag might solve the coldness problem. REI is having a 20% off one REI Outlet item that ends today...
Cassidy said…
I have only been camping once. And overall, it was a very lovely experience. I went camping in Oregon too and our campsite was right next to this river and we went swimming at 3 in the morning and there were so many stars. It was absolutely breathtaking! This post makes me want to go again!
Brissa said…
i have got to see this hat.
there is nothing i love more than the smell of a campfire. it's pure magic.
Victoria said…
Haha I love camping !! But you're right... it's interesting how you learn stuff about yourself once you go ! :P
Unknown said…
HAHAHHAAH! I went into this going 'um no way, there is zero bimbo in kaylia' and while I don't agree with the word bimbo for you, it definitely made me laugh. I am a huge outdoors person, I LOVE camping! ;)

Unknown said…
looooove camping!

xoxo from rome
ChinkyGirLMeL said…
Lol! What a fun post to read. Believe it or not I have never ever gone camping. The thought of sleeping outdoors with lots of mosquitoes biting me makes me itchy already. I do think that if I'd ever had the chance to go camping I most probably would have been in a similar situation as you. =)
Zoe said…
I love a good camping trip, it's like I transform into a different person who isn't bothered about hair, or make up, or what I wear. I don't even mind being muddy and dirty. I think it's nice to 'rough it' and get back to nature, I find it truely relaxing x
Mandy said…
haha this would have been me a couple of years ago. BUT now I'm pretty much on a permanent camping trip! My boyfriend and I live in a caravan on top of a mountain and we have to rely on solar power, rain water and are trying to grow all of our own food. It's definitely an adventure! Though we did get ourselves a pretty nice caravan and I'm not the one who digs a hole to empty our toilet every few days....Ok I'd probably still struggle if I was to go on a hiking/camping trip!

Mandy x

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